Dodging Storm Boris

This short video is to let everyone know that we are safe and sound, if a little wet, in Europe. In mid September, parts of Europe suffered severe flooding from a massive and long-lasting rainstorm. We were in Sofia, Bulgaria when all the warnings began, and we had to get to Budapest via Vienna early in the storm’s approach. More to come.


Storyline: Portugal Take 2

While sick in bed for over a week, finished the 3 of José Saramago’s (Nobel Prize for Literature, 1998) books, we bought from bookstore Livraria Lello in Porto, Portugal. Can’t decide if Death at Intervals (known also as Death with Interruptions) or Blindness takes the first prize, but leaning towards Blindness. Back to writing.

We’ve been travelling for over 2 weeks in Europe. By the end of our short journey, we’ll visit 6 countries. Usually our travel is slower, however the goal of this trip is to visit friends in Switzerland, Italy and Belgium. We have a return flight from Amsterdam. And along the way we stopped in Germany and France. We’ve enjoyed European train travel in the past. This time German trains were chaotic, so we have a few stories to tell when we have time to post.

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