Out with Doranya and a G-tube feed

It was a lovely autumn day, a year since we last were in Kleinberg with Doranya. And exactly 3 weeks after Alex came home from the hospital with a G-tube and a pump used to deliver food to him. We want to slowly move away from the pump and deliver the food through syringes. He felt well enough to experiment with it. So we decided to give it a try during a short trip to Kleinberg. If it works we can do more short trips while Doranya is winterized and longer next year, after dewinterizing it. This video shows what is like to be fed through a G-tube. Thanks for watching.

2 thoughts on “Out with Doranya and a G-tube feed

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    1. That was his second-best day. The previous day has said he was 100% one. The clouds had disappeared. Since then, the swings up and down are less turbulent.

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