Storyline: Home to home westward
While street art these days is in every city, it plays huge role in this part of the world. Continue reading “Penang: street art, street food and clan jetties”
Where winding roads, rusty rails, iffy health and lean budget meet the calm
While street art these days is in every city, it plays huge role in this part of the world. Continue reading “Penang: street art, street food and clan jetties”
George Town is definitely the most cosmopolitan city in Malaysia from what we have seen. Continue reading “George Town from high and low”
A long time ago I had this idea to travel to or from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur by train as part of our around-the-world-by-train itinerary. Continue reading “Singapore to Malacca by bus”
Oh Melaka, Malacca, a name we’d only heard of not long before in connection with piracy on the Malacca Straits. Continue reading “Melaka Malacca”
We are half way through our Malaysian leg. Continue reading “June 4th check-in”
This is our last post on New Zealand with our notes from Christchurch and Dunedin. Continue reading “Christchurch and Dunedin, NZ”
Melbourne is an interesting city. It for sure is the most bohemian city we’ve been to. Continue reading “Melbourne”
There are three scenic trains that Kiwi rail operates, and we had them all booked shortly after our itinerary was ready. Continue reading “Scenic trains and a ferry in NZ”
Yes, it is majestic and magnificent. And we were lucky to see it, snow covered and gloriously shining diamond-like on a clear sunny day. Continue reading “The glory of Mt. Cook”
If you haven’t gotten the memo – food is rather expensive in New Zealand. At least for our Canadian dollar. Continue reading “Food in NZ and how to survive the sticker shock”
As we have probably mentioned a few times our “splurge times” for NZ were Milford Sound and Mt. Cook. Continue reading “A hat in Milford Sound and old car parade in Te Anau”
Queenstown. I somewhat dreaded this part of the trip. Overbuilt, over touristy, overpopulated full of young, gung-ho outdoor enthusiasts. Continue reading “Queenstown, adventure central”
Oh, the bus drivers! They are so good and friendly. Continue reading “Notes from the bus driver’s seat”
We usually write about the trains we take, but our experience with buses in NZ is exceptional and worth a post even before we finish our trains post. Continue reading “New Zealand by bus”
Kaikoura is an interesting and challenging place. Tucked in a narrow coastal plain between steep mountains and the Pacific Ocean it has incredible views and walks around the coast. Continue reading “Kaikoura, the meal of crayfish”
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