Storyline: Atlantic Canada, Take 2
Sat, June 4
Driving through NB from Campbellton to Miscou Island wasn’t as picturesque as driving through QC, but has its own beauty. Continue reading “Crossing to New Brunswick (NB)”
Where winding roads, rusty rails, iffy health and lean budget meet the calm
Sat, June 4
Driving through NB from Campbellton to Miscou Island wasn’t as picturesque as driving through QC, but has its own beauty. Continue reading “Crossing to New Brunswick (NB)”
After three days drowned in water, the rain finally abated us as we readied to leave Montmagny. Continue reading “Last stop in Quebec (QC) for now”
The constant change in scenery and events make it feel like we’ve been on the road for months, yet it is only a week. Below are some of the notes I jotted en route. Continue reading “A week on the road”
There are quite a few videos Alex is working on or has already done. Uploading them is a different story since we need a good Wi-Fi. Continue reading “A special bottle of wine”
We have been on the road for some time now. This is the first of the few videos we have already recorded, that will follow not necessarily in the chronological order. Come along with us and our new adventures.
Sun, May 22
Oh right, day four on the road and all kind of things have already happened. The planned 3+ months trip was supposed to start Continue reading “Wish us luck!”
For context of this post, you have to first read Part 1. As I mentioned in it, I used to live on ration food and make do with what we could find. One’s survival instincts guide them through such situations. Continue reading “How to feed a family of 4 with 1 chicken for a week – Part 2”
For clarity: the two have to be young children, not hungry teenagers. And only one of the daily meals is chicken, your meat protein. There are endless chicken recipes. Some suggestions that touch on how to use different parts of the chicken will follow in the next post. Continue reading “How to feed a family of 4 with 1 chicken for a week – Part 1”
I haven’t posted a recipe for a long time. And since it’s been cold winter at least where we are, I decided to toss in a few ideas that will warm your table. Continue reading “Easy winter wins”
Join us in the snow of Jan 17 for some fun and update to our YouTube audience. It’s been a while since Alex’s last video and as you know thing have changed for good. Continue reading “Winterland”
I hope this is the last post from the health compartment for a long time. We wrote about almost everything that happened the second half of 2021 with Alex’s health. Continue reading “Epilogue to a story of a paralyzed vocal cord”
Our Christmas gift
There are a few more post from Alex’s story, but at the verge of Christmas Eve I’d like to make a short status update. It’s been a week now since he began swallowing all his pills, including the daily chemo medication. That is a big milestone. Continue reading “Our Christmas gift”
“So, you can’t swallow even your meds!?’ Lugo, our neighbour across the street, seems shocked by the discovery. On a lovely November afternoon, we sit on our front porch, Continue reading “Regimented lives”
“I feel different this morning! I feel good. My head is clear. The cloud following me around is gone.”, Alex announces coming down the stairs after his morning wake-up routine.” Continue reading “I feel different this morning!”
“Season of mist and mellow fruitfulness…” (J. Keats)
There are many reasons we started this storyline – Continue reading “Why Thinking in Autumn Colours?”
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