Prelude: Wagner in Magura Cave, Verdi in Belogradchik Fortress

Storyline: Vidin to Ruse Bulgaria via Romania by train Jul – Aug, 2017

A scene from Nabucco at Belogradchik Fortress

We started our trip indulging in some cultural events in Bulgaria. The times we have spent there in summer are often seasoned with a variety of outdoor concerts and festivals. Continue reading “Prelude: Wagner in Magura Cave, Verdi in Belogradchik Fortress”

Crossing the Danube over the New Europe Bridge

Storyline: Vidin to Ruse Bulgaria via Romania by train Jul – Aug, 2017

Danube Bridge New-Europe Vidin Bulgaria-Calafat Romania, credit MaxPixel

Sometimes dreams from the past do not survive the reality check of the present. With age marching fast, some dreams are better left unrealized. Continue reading “Crossing the Danube over the New Europe Bridge”

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