Vigo, Galicia

Storyline: Winter 2025: Portugal and Spain

Wed, Feb 5

We stand on the top of Castro Mountain, the highest point and right in the centre of Vigo, admiring the spectacular views across the Ria de Vigo, which estuary is sheltered by the Cíes Islands. Its summit is crowned by the Fortaleza de Santa María do Castro, constructed in 1665 and currently an archeological site. Continue reading “Vigo, Galicia”

Madrid then and now

Storyline: Winter 2025: Portugal and Spain

Sat, Feb 1

I’ve been wondering at what time Alex will take his wrong turn. Usually, it happens at least once per trip. (Emphasis on at least. As a kid, we used to call wrong turns ‘dad’s shortcuts’. I think its an inherited trait. I’m kind of proud about it – A.) We had to check out of our accommodation before 11am. Continue reading “Madrid then and now”

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