Storyline: Home to home westward
Fri, May 3
Arriving at Sydney airport late in the afternoon, it was very easy to find our way to Hornsby, some 40 min by train from the city centre. Continue reading “Sydney”
Where winding roads, rusty rails, iffy health and lean budget meet the calm
Fri, May 3
Arriving at Sydney airport late in the afternoon, it was very easy to find our way to Hornsby, some 40 min by train from the city centre. Continue reading “Sydney”
Chiang Mai has been hyped by many and for years. I had read a lot about it, and Alex had watched several videos of people extolling its virtues. Continue reading “Chiang Mai”
Whata whata? I don’t think that small city of almost 55,000 almost exactly half way between Sydney and Melbourne is on many foreign tourists “must visit” list. Continue reading “Wagga Wagga”
This is our last post on New Zealand with our notes from Christchurch and Dunedin. Continue reading “Christchurch and Dunedin, NZ”
Melbourne is an interesting city. It for sure is the most bohemian city we’ve been to. Continue reading “Melbourne”
(Diana – we have a few more posts coming from New Zealand, however we’ve been in Australia for 20 days now, of which I completely missed about a week with the flu, and Alex has this post ready to go) Continue reading “Brisbane, Queensland, Australia”
If you haven’t gotten the memo – food is rather expensive in New Zealand. At least for our Canadian dollar. Continue reading “Food in NZ and how to survive the sticker shock”
As we have probably mentioned a few times our “splurge times” for NZ were Milford Sound and Mt. Cook. Continue reading “A hat in Milford Sound and old car parade in Te Anau”
Queenstown. I somewhat dreaded this part of the trip. Overbuilt, over touristy, overpopulated full of young, gung-ho outdoor enthusiasts. Continue reading “Queenstown, adventure central”
Kaikoura is an interesting and challenging place. Tucked in a narrow coastal plain between steep mountains and the Pacific Ocean it has incredible views and walks around the coast. Continue reading “Kaikoura, the meal of crayfish”
I can’t believe someone stole my quiche!
Continue reading “Stolen quiche in Picton, wine in Marlborough”
One can’t be but fit in Wellington, NZ. The city itself is confined on the narrow strip between steep hills and the ocean. Continue reading “Wellington – hills and cappuccinos”
Auckland is a very pretty, walkable city and we loved it. Continue reading “Clueless in Auckland”
Buenos Aires (BA), the eclectic city of tango, steak and Malbec wine, European architecture and heritage, treed avenues and lovely parks and gardens, was where our wonderful journey with Rail South America began. Continue reading “Jacaranda and Sangria”
Yes, we just dashed through London, which was not in our focus for this trip. Continue reading “A dash through London”
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