Storyline: Thinking in Autumn Colours
From the horse’s mouth
Sat Sept 11
The weekend ENT (ear, nose, throat) doctor came by on his rounds and gave me an update. Here’s what I texted Diana after his visit: Continue reading “I’m a conundrum”
Where winding roads, rusty rails, iffy health and lean budget meet the calm
Sat Sept 11
The weekend ENT (ear, nose, throat) doctor came by on his rounds and gave me an update. Here’s what I texted Diana after his visit: Continue reading “I’m a conundrum”
Tuesday September 7 was mostly a blur. I was given more saline, but I wasn’t much with it. At one point I was told that I’d be getting a CT scan. Radiology was just down the hall and I followed a PA (Patient Assistant) to the waiting room. Continue reading “Investigation begins”
I can’t sleep. It’s 12:45 am November 17, 2021 and I can’t sleep. I did sleep. For about an hour and a half. Then I woke up to go to the washroom and now I can’t sleep. Continue reading “I can’t sleep”
I’ve been fed. So has Alex, just in a very different way. Continue reading “Thai green curry, thanks Renee!”
Alex and I have been to Catalonia a few times. As mentioned in the Barcelona post, my first rendezvous with Catalonia was in July 1994. Continue reading “Catalonia, birthplace of Salvador Dali”
Not that far in the past we used to only have seasonal food on the table. Imports were not available, Continue reading “Cooking with stinging nettles”
While sitting through hopefully the last Covid lockdown, grab a glass of wine (coffee, tea or other favorite drink) and join us on a journey through some parts of Spain. Continue reading “Barcelona”
… or lunch if you want. Haven’t posted a recipe for a while. So here are a few dishes I made recently. Continue reading “What’s for dinner?”
I’ve been sitting on this post for two years now. It is a difficult subject, related to a very close University friend of mine. Continue reading “Krasi”
Polenta, called “kachamak” in Bulgarian, was a staple in my mom’s cuisine, together with Continue reading “Polenta Bulgarian style”
“Watch it!” Alex shouts as I step off the sidewalk to a presumably parking lane, and while turning around I hear squeaking bicycle’s brakes Continue reading “Copenhagen and environs”
Entering summer, I had a full garden. It was too hot for lettuces but there were enough for at least two more weeks of salads, to which I’d add tomatoes, cucumbers, raw beets, zucchini, beans and peas. Continue reading “Leafy greens summer salads”
It is not spring yet, but with the new Covid variants we will probably be in lockdown for a long time. And I’ll have my Covid gardens going again this year. Continue reading “Spring recipes with leafy greens”
If you remember, I made green tomato sauce from my last tomato harvest. I froze most of it and have been using it since. Continue reading “Spaghetti squash, zucchini “pasta” and more”
It was and of July last year when I created this interesting dish. It is not something that many will embrace since one has to actually grow their own zucchini or squash for it. Continue reading “Penne from zucchini plant stems”
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