Join us in the snow of Jan 17 for some fun and update to our YouTube audience. It’s been a while since Alex’s last video and as you know thing have changed for good. Continue reading “Winterland”
Epilogue to a story of a paralyzed vocal cord
Storyline: Thinking in Autumn Colours
I hope this is the last post from the health compartment for a long time. We wrote about almost everything that happened the second half of 2021 with Alex’s health. Continue reading “Epilogue to a story of a paralyzed vocal cord”
Being absent
Storyline: Thinking in Autumn Colours
From the horse’s mouth
On Wed Oct 6 I was home for the first time in a month, having been discharged from my unplanned all-inclusive vacation in hospital. I’d been well-taken care of 24/7 by teams of nurses, Continue reading “Being absent”
It’s not all sunshine and roses
Storyline: Thinking in Autumn Colours
From the horse’s mouth
Sat Oct 2 and Sun Oct 3
Since there were no medical procedures or visits from various health care professionals, Saturday was an uneventful day. The odd headache, continuation of anti-nausea meds, Continue reading “It’s not all sunshine and roses”
So many meds
Storyline: Thinking in Autumn Colours
From the horse’s mouth
Happy New Year to all our readers around the world! Wishing you lots of health, peace and joy. Will the pandemic end this year? Continue reading “So many meds”
First chemo and a G-tube
Storyline: Thinking in Autumn Colours
From the horse’s mouth
Fri Sep 24
Will Alex get the g-tube inserted today or will it have to be done by a different doctor next week? That was the question on my mind in the morning. The doctor scheduled to do the job was going to be off work for a week as of the end of the day. Continue reading “First chemo and a G-tube”
Our Christmas gift
There are a few more post from Alex’s story, but at the verge of Christmas Eve I’d like to make a short status update. It’s been a week now since he began swallowing all his pills, including the daily chemo medication. That is a big milestone. Continue reading “Our Christmas gift”
Watershed day
Storyline: Thinking in Autumn Colours
From the horse’s mouth
Thu Sep 23
My hematologist called. He was actually on vacation but had been contacted with the results and had immediately done some research and called me. The results of the spinal tap were conclusive, Continue reading “Watershed day”
I don’t want to go through this
Storyline: Thinking in Autumn Colours
From the horse’s mouth
Thu Sep 16
The MRI results are in. Like all the other tests I’d had, the results were negative. Sigh. “Now what?”, I thought. I wished I hadn’t asked. I’ll be given a spinal tap on Monday (the 20th). Continue reading “I don’t want to go through this”
I can’t sleep
Storyline: Thinking in Autumn Colours
From the horse’s mouth
I can’t sleep. It’s 12:45 am November 17, 2021 and I can’t sleep. I did sleep. For about an hour and a half. Then I woke up to go to the washroom and now I can’t sleep. Continue reading “I can’t sleep”
Regimented lives
Storyline: Thinking in Autumn Colours
“So, you can’t swallow even your meds!?’ Lugo, our neighbour across the street, seems shocked by the discovery. On a lovely November afternoon, we sit on our front porch, Continue reading “Regimented lives”
I feel different this morning!
Storyline: Thinking in Autumn Colours
“I feel different this morning! I feel good. My head is clear. The cloud following me around is gone.”, Alex announces coming down the stairs after his morning wake-up routine.” Continue reading “I feel different this morning!”
Out with Doranya and a G-tube feed
It was a lovely autumn day, a year since we last were in Kleinberg with Doranya. And exactly 3 weeks after Alex came home from the hospital with a G-tube Continue reading “Out with Doranya and a G-tube feed”
Why Thinking in Autumn Colours?
Storyline: Thinking in Autumn Colours
“Season of mist and mellow fruitfulness…” (J. Keats)
There are many reasons we started this storyline – Continue reading “Why Thinking in Autumn Colours?”
What about Doranya?
Storyline: Thinking in Autumn Colours
After the mad rush home, I parked Doranya in our driveway and for a few days forgot about it. It stayed completely abandoned for about 2 weeks. Continue reading “What about Doranya?”